How BenefitMe works

Everything you tell us is private. We don't save your information. 

This tool checks your information against the rules to see what you‘re eligible for. It’s not connected to Work and Income or any other government organisation.

What benefits can we calculate?

BenefitMe currently only checks:

  • Jobseeker Support
  • Sole Parent Support
  • Disability Allowance
  • Accommodation Supplement

We will continue to add more benefits and grants to this service over time.


I a New Zealand citizen or resident and I reside in New Zealand, and I have done so for at least 2 years.
I am
years old.
I am
I an injury or disability that needs ongoing support.
My disability is such that it last for 6 months.
I additional ongoing expenses due to the disability.
I am
My situation with my partner is that we are
I have
dependent children.
My youngest child is
years old.
I the sole parent or principal carer of my child(ren).
I a split care arrangement for my children.
I am from the other parent.
I spend more than $20 a week in childcare costs.
I earn
per week.
We earn
per week.
I am currently receiving
I receiving family tax.
My personal weekly accommodation costs are
I live with my parents.
My type of accommodation cost is
My postcode is